Thursday, July 31, 2008

2 months never blog.. instead of diary that I wrote daily, it become a bi-monthly post or magazine article like that liao~...

Few weeks back attended a "Value in Action" workshop organized by Focus Adventure Centre in Sentosa... Learnt a lot... Also know alot... Before I forgot I would like to blog it down...

But the very first thing that I learn is: Wow.. my company is really so multi-national, I am wondering exactly how many people are really from Singapore itself. But would like to take this chance to introduce my 'buddy' in my office who attended this workshop same day as me -- James.. How come I got a buddy in office? So good that my buddy is in the same office as I do?? Sigh... this buddy is a new found buddy who've been of great help to me when my superior is away from office last 2 months... I am temporary taking over James's original leader's position, but I always have been "worked closely" with him to handle all sort of funny problems happen (haha... worked closely = I asked him to handle the issue and report back to me after that, oops...). But to be honest, he has helped me a lot in understanding the operation of the team that he is assisting the previous leader in... There was a period of time when we worked so busily until lunch can only take with him because the rest have been all taken lunch earlier on liao, and go home together because................. he is driving and I take a ride in it.. hahaha... But still, my thanks to him here...

My 'buddy' James in office, so much thanks to him. You see him so happy!!

But actually initially I am quite resist going to this workshop, maybe have been a while not really socialize in a big group of 30+ new people le ba, also it is not my capability to interact with a large crowd at the same time effectively... I prefer a small group interaction, and only through such a way I am able to know the people better, and built a better bond with them...

Group Photo of the Day

The money coin game, our gentlemen are surrounding the precious ladies to avoid other group come and steal them away

Man Over boat

In the morning, it is a photo hunting.. Given a group of 7 people inclusive of myself, trying to work with my team mates to search through the photo. But I think not everybody in the team actually enjoy this activity under e hot sun... But the good thing is that with this activity got some chance to talk a bit with one another in a smaller group. One thing i would like to complain: some of the photos are not updated, some items in the photos even been tore down already... no wonder we cannot find all the words that I supposed to search, and we lose lor... (haha, giving excuses liao~~)

In the evening is a session that really let me learn something deep, both as group and individual I think. Physically still not very demanding, and the activity is fun, and filled with lessons... Trust fall, giant seesaw (I mis-called it giant 'jigsaw' when I first saw it, good thing is nobody heard it, thank God thank God...), then was the team skiing, and later on mat-flipping, and finally is the obstacle wall.

Trust fall is the activity that really test the trust that the individual have upon others on the day. Though the instructor didn't comment much, but through it I can see who trust others more while some may not easy to put trust upon others fellow course mate.

Can you trust me? I am looking at something more interesting...

Then from giant seesaw I can see who like to join in "discussion" of which actually cause the puzzle even harder to achieve. With a group of 18 people, all of us are supposed to be on the seesaw and adjust ourselves such that the seesaw maintain horizontal level parallel to the ground. Initially too many people giving instructions to others, people hard to cope with so many instructions and we fail the task. Then with the reminder of the instructor, we appoint one leader to give instructions, we DID IT!!! And we manage to maintain the balance for 5 minutes 40+ seconds, the records for teams from my company is 7 minutes.. not bad I think... But some of my group mates' has accidentally chosen a bad pos, hence suffer for that 5 minutes+...

Did you notice the guy in the extreme left? Yes, he need to maintain that pos for 5 minutes 40 seconds; I like my pos better, haha...

You see how nice.. not my hairstyle lar.. just I smile nicely to enjoy that 5 min 40 seconds on the see saw.. compared to the poor guy above, I can only said: "poor guy..!"

The 3rd activity is the team skiing.. We are supposed to skii on 3 long skii, go for a distance and then pick up all the colour balls except the yellow balls on the floor and travel back to the starting point and put the ball back to the net behind us. Any part of the body, ski, rope that touches the yellow ball on the floor will need to carry back the ski to the starting point. I like this activity because I really learnt something here. I think we have not clearly heard the instructions of the instructors, and with the boundary mindset, we turn this to be a competition, but in fact instructor wants to test whether we have clearly heard the instructions of the game to work as big group still in 3 small teams to pick up all the colour balls back... The yellow ball represents an obstacle at first because we need to avoid it at all cost, so that we will not need to be back to starting point and start from there again. However, we missed the point to turn this rule to be an opportunity at the 2nd half of the game when all teams have collected all balls on the floor and start to travel back. By then the quickest way to travel back is really just touching the yellow ball, then we don't need to ski back, but just hand carry the skii back... Turn obstacles to opportunities is the lesson.

Suddenly all men are out of shape with varies protrusions on the body, because all the balls are inside the polo lar...

Later on the map flipping is another game that want us to learn to be as 1, not to be separated. "How many departments do we have in the company?" The instructor asked, some answered "37 departments", but why not it is just "1 company" instead of "37 departments"? I am thinking the church at this point, I am wondering how many people may have said that "he is from zone Z, I am from zone V" or "he is from cg b and I am from cg f", or have asked something like "which zone are you from?", "how many cell group do you have right now?", "how many zones do you have right now?", and I am wondering what will be the answer, will it be 4 english services, 1 chinese service, 1 dialect service etc etc or 1 church? Is it hundreds of cell groups or 1 church? Is it many zones or just 1 church?

Even go broader, how many churches do we have right now in Singapore? Will I answered " many churches, or just 1 God's kingdom?"...

We have another game that we as team need to help each other climb over a high wall that is about 2.5 men's height high. I have a very stylish way of climbing it..

Yes, it is me.. don't suspect... Looking at this photo, I feel like I am a 'da xia' with a very good 'qing gong' kicking up myself to climb over it... but wasted I don't know 'qing gong', so those course mates trying to calm me down and pull me up into the supporting behind the wall, and hey kids: warning: this is under special supervision and training, kids shall not try this yourself..

At the end of the workshop, the instructor let's watch back the video that they took on the day, and even sang an oldie (which I forgotten the name). What a good day of spending there, but it comes with a price of full physical tiredness lar... the end result? I take a day off from office the next day... haha


昨晚当我想对我的ipod重新培养感情的时候,突然想起了大马的一支相当久远之前的团体 ,“山脚下男孩”。突然想听他们的一首歌,歌名已经不记得了 (不过在 googling 一番之后,原来那首歌叫做<<童年颂>> )



我想,这“山脚下男孩” 现在应该已经是 “山脚下男人” 或 甚至是 “山脚下老爸” 了吧 ?不过,真羡慕他们。他们共同创作了这些歌(他们的另一首代表作是 <<月亮圆>>),也共同分享了彼此那段追逐音乐梦想的岁月,或许很短暂,可是却是很宝贵的回忆,毕竟与志同道合的朋友一起去追逐大家共同的梦想,那是一种非常宝贵的经历,也不是每个人可以拥有的经历

不过,在我搜寻的过程中,看到这个部落格,相当特别,部落格的主人我并不认识,不过他的主页设计置顶的这句 “人说,蓝色是属于忧郁。 我不否认,也不完全苟同。 因为蓝蓝深海下,是生气勃勃的无穷生命。” 吸引了我的注意。很久没有特别留意别人的写作了,不过却欣赏特别的华文写作作风。如果你的华文程度不错,或者对华文感兴趣,不妨去浏览浏览这个部落格 :蓝色文字园林

宗翰,如果你恰巧路过我这,或者过去看看。我看着他所写的,就想起你来了。不是因为你的作风与他一样,而是因为你也是写作作风相当特别的家伙... ... (回头再看自己的文笔,已经是不行的了...)

哇,将近凌晨一点,我的睡眠大计又泡汤了... 暂时封笔...