Monday, January 14, 2008

Reading Time...

It has been a while I never really sit down and read a book, maybe for a quarter or even half a year...

Recently have purchased some books, written by my favourite Taiwanese author called Liu Yong. His popular series point out the cunning sides about human society, and the various interaction techniques in the society.

Tonight, read this book, of which co-written by Liu Yong and his son Liu Xuan, it is about communication. The very special things about this father and son author is that they like to use examples in our daily lifes, or those small stories from the newspaper / societies to bring out the points they are trying to highlight.

I read this book before, back at that point of times, it helps me a bit in changing my way of talking to people. But after all these years, I have forgotten most part of it, and I think it is time to read it again, to smoothen my outward way of communicating myself to people. Wish me successful!

If you read chinese book also, I highly recommended this book. Even if this book does not help you in your communication, it is a very interesting book to read on, for those small stories that are being put in the book. I like to read their small stories also actually.

Suddenly have a funny thought - Why not we set a communication day, whereby this day is for us to remember the importance of communication, dialogue and conversation. The slogan can be something like "Use communication to replace war in the world, use communication to replace protest in the country, use communication to replace punishment in the family"...

Ok, since I am the one who raised this, I shall declare today 14 Jan as the communication day. Haha, just nice, 1 month later will be valentine's day / friendship day!

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