Monday, December 29, 2008
Sick... still...
But anyway, were fighting hard with the potential sickness.. Whenever I am fighting this, I will take whatever measures I can just to win over it, drinking a lot of cold and warm water, eat a lot of lozenges, guggle often, sleep alot, cool myself down with fans and aircon etc etc......
The end result is... fever maybe gone, but running nose, flu and cough are the by-product of it... My voice has turned deeper, more sexier I think~~
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
今天,当我再次遭遇各类朋友 "放假" 的喾境的时候, 我心中思考着这个问题: 当我在各种感情上也一无所有的时候,我所剩下的又是什么呢? 突然有种很深很深的感触, 原来我只剩下与神的一份誓约, 一份我从来也不甚在乎的誓约, 却骇然之间给了我空洞的心坎里注入了一种无法言喻的安慰和支持 。 在我脑海里不断打转的是神的誓约, 一份我已经无法确定自己是否还可以拥有的誓约。或许如今还值得我去在意的也只剩下这份誓约了......
心境很复杂,心情很飘忽,心胸很郁闷,心态很疲倦,真的很想让这情绪的阴天可以尽快成为过去 ......
Saturday, December 20, 2008
骇然发现, 原来普普通通的霓虹灯
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Drink Drank Drunk
They brought liqour and red wine, and as someone who have never join the group for a drink before, I become one of the targets that they keep on finding reasons (excuses) to feed me with the alcoholic drink....
But actually I also hope to try some liquor as I never drink before (except for the incident during childhood days when I and my friend drink X.O. which is left behind in his parents' room).. Ok, not bad... Hahahaha~~
Saturday, November 29, 2008
My physical body is much better than my initial expectation today after the night
jogging last night, and today I feel quite awake as compared to those days before the
night jog.. I am wondering if it is because today is Friday and I am waiting for
tomorrow to have off?? Not sure.. But today in terms of meal in-take seems like also
under control also... (in fact today quite easily felt hungry but still not taking in
too much, am I consuming too much energy last night??)
But I still have body ache especially at my legs' and arms' muscles part. Suddenly
feel like running again, and playing some other sports too, if not got the body ache,
I think tonight I would have another night run alone again. I think it will take me
2~3 days at least to recover from the body ache. Really hope that this round I can
grasp hold on the momentum to jogging. I seriously need to lose out much weights..
My boss has come back from Cambodia and gave me a call to ask if everything is ok in
the office while he was away...
Seriously I started to have this consideration whether I should request for a put
down of my leadership role to one of the groups under him after 1.5 years of
leadership. I just felt that I am losing my drive to be in the role. I rather being
assigned specific task to do and then just do than having too much freedom to
decide I want to do.. I just run out of ideas on what I should do... I think I will
make a decision shortly.
Hm.. Tomorrow BBQ time with my colleagues. Finally after so long. But I am quite
disappointed also that many others are not join. My good buddy in office KarWei is
not last minutes not able to join, our youngest colleague YewHun not joining, our
dear Thai friends Vee and Athip are both not in also... Feel that if they were around
it will be even more fun...
Looking forward to it nonetheless...
Friday, November 28, 2008
Night Jog...... again
Once heard before people said that once your muscle cramp before, it tends to be easier to cramp again, I don't know how true it is, and also don't know how long the effective period this saying is refering to, but unfortunately, my leg, cramp again... I used to have leg cramp.. at the age of 16/17... but forgotten if cramp on the same leg...
But when I immediately touched the muscle when I feel cramped, I can really feel the 'piece of meat' called muscle 'moving', the feeling is so weird... Alright.. don't know what will happen to my muscles tomorrow... I may be crawling into the office...
Will I be the spiderman or the cicakman will depend on my physical condition tomorrow liao~
Anyway, I open up another section below for today to blog down some unhappy stuff also... Recently my heart kept on very tiring, not physical one, but mental and emotional one... Everything turns out not to be good in life, and this situation is worsen by losing the sense of direction in life... My emotion is impacted very easily, and I am at the line of decisions for my principles of life now, either to stick with what I am adapting right now, or swicth to the opposite. Very often, I am so tempted to switch to the opposite and at time already stepping over to the other side of the line, anyway, who will care if my believe system and my characters already changed??
May be due to my past, I felt that my cg leader don't know how to "handle" me when I share something with him, and at times, this feeling is so bad that I am thinking that he may not be interested with what is happening in my life anymore... Is it because I overshare my life to him in the past? Is it because I will be very open to take every initiative to share with him almost anything if something happen in my life? I don't know, but I surely in doubt... If I no longer sharing all these.. who really cares?
Cares and concerns, I thought I have, but none the less, it seems I don't really have... I don't know how much you care, I cannot tell, neither I can tell how much God cares! My heart cannot feel this correctly now... Sometimes just feel like close heart up, and never open it up again..
Someone said to me before: joy is a choice, but this so far still does not applicable to me... If I showing happy face just because of the happy-face-mask that I am wearing, this is still too far away from the joy that I am pursuing...
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Short Term Memory
But recently always having this experience that day time I got things that I want to blog about but then during night time when I really sit in front of the laptop have no idea to blog anymore... How???
Time flies very quickly, it comes to the second half of November once again... then it will be Dec.. Christmas... New Year... and my father, mother, sisters, friends will all be 1 year older...... But seriously, this year Christmas is not a happy season for many of the people, because of economic crisis, and jobs are shaky nowadays... A lot of people are worrying that they will lost their jobs...
Need to move things faster, really need to build my business up quicker, I cannot wait to see it up soon... Losing my momentum in the workplace very quickly...
When you think you have no value in the workplace, you cannot contribute much, that feeling is very horrible.. If you think you are too needed in the workplace, and you contribute everything, that feeling is very horrible too... But I belong to the first group... In this sense, I feel I very 'dui bu qi' my boss, Meng. I am very gladful that I have a boss like him, and I learnt really a lot from him, and I know it is really out of his heart that he wants to grow everyone reporting to him up to the next level in the career. I meant, if you are working adult, you will know that it is not every time you will have a boss who will spend the time think of a grow career plan for individual personnels under him/her. And my boss got a lot of patience on some of my bad attitutes, of which makes me appreciate him as well...
Initially don't know what to blog, then now like already written quite some words in this blog.. wow... talkative me.. lolz... yes, I am quite talkative if you know me better and off course provided I also know you well enough...
Ah.. suddenly recall what I initially want to blog about today day time... it is about a book I read recently (talking about book again??). Yes. Because I feel that this book has quite a positive influence over my life... At least, during the period when I read about it (I almost finished reading it now), it encourages me to step out in one of the area that I seldom do in the past and indeed, I stepped out. The feeling of the breakthrough, seeing that I myself doing somethings that I never able (or dare?) to do in the past is so good!!! WAH~~, SO GOOD~~~~~~~ HOORAY~~, YES~~, YAHOO~~~~
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
From this story: it is very important to do backup.
Sigh.. behind every frustration there is opportunity, opportunity of business...
So tired now, the feeling of eager to get something done yet not able to progress fast and felt like got things dragging me back is so irritating...
Everytime under such state, I will try to slow my heart down, it works for me to stay more peaceful in my heart...
Today while I taking train to the office place, the feeling of wanting to write drama script has come back. Sigh.. there are a lot of things I wish to try, but keep on having the letargy heart that brings me nowhere everyday.. waste of time...
Work, work, work, work........ for survival, for the money for the future days, feel so bounded, when can I break free from it and work for the things that I really like in my inner heart????
No specific topic, just felt like leaving behind some footprint on the net today, so come up with this 'Rojak' blog post, it shows that my mind is in a very complex state right now.. sigh...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Living between the dream and the reality
I wonder if there is any other people used to live in a dream-mindset before. I don't know how to describe it exactly, it is like the whole mind is in a state of dreaming, and things around no longer real, and the mind keep on wanting to just stay in the state of dreaming... I have been very long never in such a state, it is a mind condition that I realized I am extremely irrational and may do things without considering the consequences.. So I keep on telling myself, it is already 1pm in the afternoon, time to wake up!!
Recently life has not been too good, though I am keeping to stay joyful and laugh as much as I can. Remembering younger days, when I am not in a good mood, my face will totally tell. There was people use to tell me that my face is so stern until look like want to kill people. Now off course I am much better in wearing a layer of mask onto my face. The surface appeared to be smiling, laughing and happy, though the underlying heart maybe sad.
Frustrated, wish to be able to progress in things that I am doing faster... God, I need a miracle (and if possible, miracleSSSSS) !!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
First of all, I am really looking forward that the MRT station that is 50 steps away from my house will quickly complete, it will be much much more convenient to go out for me after this station completed.. By the way, have you seen a mobile bus stop before?? In order for the MRT station construction to carry out, I saw a mobile bus stop at the place where I stay... Mobile because it can be the case where in the morning the bus stop is located at location X, and then in the evening when I was back from work, the bus stop has been moved to 10 steps away, and then 2 days later moved back to location X out of sudden... Actually both bus-stops' shelters are there, but I think the construction worker just hand-carry the bus stand from here to there and there to here, and the bus driver just stop at the bus stop where the bus stand is being hand carried to... So mobile...
2 days ago, my heart is filled with the mindset of being humbled. In the past, I don't quite understand what is meant by humbleness that those pastors are talking about in church, well, not really not understand, but my prior understanding is just very shallow... 2 days ago my mind is thinking about what is meant by humbleness again... I realized being humble is being teachable, being humble is being open and ready to learn, learn in a way that is no objection, that is with full willing heart... I learnt this through contrasting what is pride, for the past X months, my heart is prideful, prideful in the sense that I no longer open, no longer hearing, no longer teachable, no longer willing, but now.. heart is brought down back at least a bit, to a level that is open again I think...
It takes life time to learn how to live better life, and how to be better person. I admit that I have a lot of shortfall in characters, mindset is there for me to think about changing some part of my life... be it successful or not, at least I have tried before. Life is about taking risk, just a matter of whether we risk for the right things or risk for the wrong things.. don't you think so?
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Anyway, though I am not citizen of China, but I would also like to express my personal encouragement to Liu Xiang, the track and field athlete of China who injured and forced to bail out from the 2008 Olympics Games.
I am thinking: Olympics represents the highest level of events for many sports and getting gold in it meant a lot to athletes. If it becomes a life meaning to Liu Xiang to achieve his best in this competition, then how much this incident will impact him is not hard to imagine. Suddenly a long waited dream is broken, and 4 years of hard training and efforts becomes like useless and meaningless... It is a very sad thing to the athlete himself... Anyway, wish him be able to stand up again as meaning of life is still not lost, and he still has chance. Important thing is not to give up or let this incident become a bad influence to achieve the next target in life...
加油, 刘翔!
Haha, suddenly feel like writing all this to the air, as I don't know this athlete.. But anyway, is a sharing and encouragement to my friends who encounter similar type of event in life too...
加油, 朋友们!
Monday, August 18, 2008
I think, I write (which refering to "Unspecific Title" in Chinese)
Sometimes when having too many things that want to achieve can be quite a distracting challenge, especially if each of these things actually are quite big scale and not going to be easy... Recently some ideas flush into my mind, believe it or not, I noticed that the period when I am leaning closer to God is the period when very fresh and new ideas flooded in, and then when I cold down the stream of ideas seems stagnant.
Anyway, Singapore and M'sia this pair of neighbours are both getting its first silver medal in this olympics, one in table-tennis losing to China, and the latter in Badminton also losing to China. China seems so outstanding in this olympics games and some are predicting that it will be the No1 in the medal chart this time. While some may say that it is due to the good training, hosting country etc as the main reason why so.. I am thinking otherwise. Given a country with 1.2 billion population, they have more people to choose among, and since that, environment becomes very competitve and competition under the healthy way and environment produces results... Imagine that 10 people compete for 1 candidacy and 1000000000 people compete for 1 candidacy, which will tend to let the organizer finding the better performing person? And on the opposite site, given 10 people are compete for 1 chance and 10000000000 people competing for 1 chance, people from which scenario will tend to be more concern whether they can get it and hence put in more effort???
I heard someone mentioned that 21st century is the people's century. Whoever contain the most resources in this area will win the race. To some extend it is true. But there are also other conditions that need to co-exists in order to bring out the positive effect of such a resource. Think about many of the african countries that are still struggling with poverty then should understand what I am refering to now...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
My character...
Anyway, sometimes when people has lost its momentum on something, some people refered it as "fire" , it is sometimes very hard to gain it back... But thank God, I believe I am gaining back the 'fire' day by day on things that I have lost momentum to previously...
Finally have had a chance to meet Jordan again.. It has been so long until I've forgotten how he is like. But basically he does not change much, still very steady person, easily gain trust type of personality. By the way, I tend to get closer to this type of people more, maybe because they give me impression that they are trustworthy friends ba.. then off course trustworthy friends are nice to have and never have enough, however, also need to be careful to think that everyone is a trustworthy friends...
I was a very clear boundary person since young, in the past, my world only have black and white. Right means right, wrong is wrong... And I am quite direct person to pinpoint the black items, without mercy (as I was monitor of class, prefect of schools). To me, truth and justice are top priority. I would not hesitate to sacrifice the friendship if I need to maintain 'justice'.. wow... and because I was very direct to do it, and thought that punishment is the only way to stop all these black stuff and so always taking such an approach or taking actions lead to such an outcome to others people in the 'black' region, so off course end result is I am not a very welcome person to most people.
This character does not change much up to the uni days, or even up to 3 months ago. But very amazing things happen to me in the past 1~2 months...
My mindset suddenly start to change. I start to understand the importance of human interaction skill. I start to think that it is a must-have skill in life. I suddenly start having the interest to work with all sort of people. My believe shifted from "It is worthy to work with this people, it is not worthy to work that that person" to now "it is worthy to work with different people with different ways"... Does not mean I agree with the ways of some people doing things, but at least I am no longer want to deal with them using the harsh way or hard way, of which I was doing in the past, even few months back I still behave the harsh way to some people.
All this change just take place, comes by suddenly. Thank God to place me in this workplace, this is definately a training ground for human-human interaction. But more, I thank God to place a mindset of change into me to live towards to the new mindset of which to want to work with different people, even with those that I may not agree their ways of handling stuff...
Hm.. is this called maturing???? Should I celebrate???
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Happy birthday, Singapore, leads to, "A Thought of my Own Country"
Off course, I am still Malaysian though some of my friends always tease me saying that I've become Singaporean. But Singapore is a very special country to me and somehow I have a unique linkage with this island state.
First of all, my mother is a Singaporean, and all my uncles, aunties, maternal grandparents are all from Singapore. Hence from my younger days, I already visited this beautiful country quite often. Maybe at least once every 1~2 years, and so places like Sentosa, Tampines, Changi Airport, Bedok Food Hawker Centre, Chinese Garden, City Hall Station and things like MRT, 'Gao Shiao Xing Dong' by Jack Neo, Channel 8 etc etc are not unfamiliar to me.
2ndly, it is the uni here that recognizes the cert that I am holding and offer me an opportunity to study here. This is a very very sad point to mention, my own country is not even recognizing this certificate, but yet Singapore's uni are offering a few hundreds of places to students holding this cert in my country every year...
My country ah, it is time not to confine yourself within the racial boundary, but to focus on building a nationality identity, only then we will grow healthier as one in this glabalization trend.
Why are we still debating over the pie share or quota while the real challenge should be increasing the pie size together?
Politicians, it is time stop playing around with foolish words that only meant to expose the lack of wisdom of oneself. Nobody has the right to create chaos through his/her foolish act in this beautiful country, as this is not your own personal platform, this is a country belong to all people in Malaysia. Focus on the right things, take care of your people, who have entrusted you to govern the country through their votes...
Too many things to say, too few words to express, lest it become an action to touch on the "sensitive issue"...
Anyway, while Singapore is 43 this year, my country should be celebrating its 51 years old this month. Happy birthday to my own country!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Office Moving...
Because too many people are impacted, this move is done in batches of stuff, of which we are the first batch. To wait for the area to be setup, on Monday basically we did nothing and just stand aside, watching at the people to setup the place. We are so bored that we are taking out our camera phone and capcha capcha here and there. I were regret not bringing monopoly set to go and play to spend the time there (what will my boss think about me if he happen to read this post...)
Anyway, since it is a photo-taking day, I decided to take the chance to take some photos with my friends too...
Seeing us taking photo so shiok, Yew Hun also want to join in
How come my buddy is in the same workplace as me? It is a friendship built in the workplace, not sure exactly how this friendship is being built up, just remembered that there were a period of time I always complain to him regarding the people, unfairness, frustration in the workplace. But Kar Wei is quite a Mr nice guy. He is so nice that many people thought he has no temper. I believe not many people have a chance to see the moment that he actually frustrated over things in the workplace, though I did encounter once or twice before. He gives people an impression of a very trustworthy, responsible kind of impression. Just today, while he was away for the sentosa workshop, his boss actually panic over lacking of some important data that need to submit to the top management, he came back to the office purposefully after office hour just to get back the data. I am thinking, he actually is a very stable person who handle things very thoroughly. He is the few who can really make people feel secured to entrust him important tasks. It is like if he is around for the things, no need to panic liao... Compared to some others, sigh.. don't want to mention how some others handle things lar...
Looking at my face, the shape, the size... sigh... I really really really really really need to lose away some weights, though I am still smiling in the photos..... I will be more and more afraid taking more photos in the future if the growth of my shape is still maintained in the same speed in the near future, not only it hold up more resources of the earth in my body, worse is it is not nice to have this shape... sigh~~
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Peace... how important it is!!
Something happen totally spoilt my mood to the negative side for the day, because it injects in some very irritating thoughts and emotions into me, I felt very troubled, unhappy in my heart. But this is an incident happen in the radius that I felt I not able to separate myself away or I'll risk losing something very important in life, that may make me regret for a life time... I am very confused, and don't know how to handle.
Today I just felt like getting away from my house, far far away, just nice today will attend the Festival of Praise 2008, so with this kind of emotions and mind state, I have left my house and head to SIS for Festival of Praise today. Met Peng huat, Julius and Asher at Tiong Bahru before heading to SIS... ah, good thing all of them are friends that I'm closer to in the cell group, that I can chat and talk with 'joyfully', else I may have been very quiet today. But overall, also because of them around talking to me today, I feel better before heading to SIS.
Sidetrack a bit, I want take this chance to thank the friend whom have met me at the west and travel together to Tiong Bahru today for fellowshipping with me along the way and distract me away for awhile from my unhappy thought. You know who you are. Anyway, term is starting real soon, "jia you" lor, hardworking man!!! You really impress me with your hardworking (at least the surface look like one), and even more, is the fact that you have taken a step to pursue a higher step in life after working in the commercial world for a while. Not everyone can, or will do so. I always have respect for these friends who do so. But, please, please don't be overly humble, aim for the first class honour, ok? Jia You Jia You! Gambade!
Hey, all my friends who study in NTU who happen to pass by, terms are starting in 28 hours later, Jia You to you all, and all the best for your term.
I finally reached the legendary Festival of Praise 2008 at around 6pm. With the passionate in God's people, the Q is so long outside the stadium even before the door is open...
Overall, the event is great. The sermon preached by Rev Mark Connel is great... The song is great... but I lack of the peace in heart. My thought is switching very quickly from 1 thought to another, thinking from 1 thing to the other... I stayed in a state that is very difficult to focus. I felt like leaving the event right after the 1st or 2nd song. I don't feel like continue to stay in the event for long... But how can I left the event halfway like that? How can I let the emotions just take me away from church event again like this? I decided to stick on...
Amazingly time passed very quickly. The event has come to an end for tonight, but still things troubling me still remain as very troublesome. I have no solution, I have no direction. Peace of God is not in me tonight.. I meant peace of God is in me, that I still can stay calm, I am not screaming, yelling, thank God for that, but, I need that extra-ordinary abundance of the peace of God that poured upon me before few months back, the peace that is so great and overflowing that everything else is just so insignificant and miniature, knowing every problems and issues is just a peanut in the eyes of God, but this level of peace is not inside of me tonight...
It is very very consuming at times to continously just to believe in God with faith, without knowing how things will turn out, in a period of time of darkness. When the period grow longer, the consumption inside become harder and harder to take on... But I learnt this directly or indirectly from my Pastor (Tan), that having faith (is not merely for the sake of saying that we are having faith in God, but) is to believe that God's character is good ALL the time. I no longer ask myself "Can I continue to have faith in God?", the new question I ask now is "Can I continue to believe that God's character is good ALL the time?". The switch of the question to ask myself has helped me stay slightly stronger in my down time...
"Can I continue to believe that God's character is good ALL the time?" - Yes, I still believe it
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Few weeks back attended a "Value in Action" workshop organized by Focus Adventure Centre in Sentosa... Learnt a lot... Also know alot... Before I forgot I would like to blog it down...
But actually initially I am quite resist going to this workshop, maybe have been a while not really socialize in a big group of 30+ new people le ba, also it is not my capability to interact with a large crowd at the same time effectively... I prefer a small group interaction, and only through such a way I am able to know the people better, and built a better bond with them...
In the morning, it is a photo hunting.. Given a group of 7 people inclusive of myself, trying to work with my team mates to search through the photo. But I think not everybody in the team actually enjoy this activity under e hot sun... But the good thing is that with this activity got some chance to talk a bit with one another in a smaller group. One thing i would like to complain: some of the photos are not updated, some items in the photos even been tore down already... no wonder we cannot find all the words that I supposed to search, and we lose lor... (haha, giving excuses liao~~)
In the evening is a session that really let me learn something deep, both as group and individual I think. Physically still not very demanding, and the activity is fun, and filled with lessons... Trust fall, giant seesaw (I mis-called it giant 'jigsaw' when I first saw it, good thing is nobody heard it, thank God thank God...), then was the team skiing, and later on mat-flipping, and finally is the obstacle wall.
Trust fall is the activity that really test the trust that the individual have upon others on the day. Though the instructor didn't comment much, but through it I can see who trust others more while some may not easy to put trust upon others fellow course mate.
Then from giant seesaw I can see who like to join in "discussion" of which actually cause the puzzle even harder to achieve. With a group of 18 people, all of us are supposed to be on the seesaw and adjust ourselves such that the seesaw maintain horizontal level parallel to the ground. Initially too many people giving instructions to others, people hard to cope with so many instructions and we fail the task. Then with the reminder of the instructor, we appoint one leader to give instructions, we DID IT!!! And we manage to maintain the balance for 5 minutes 40+ seconds, the records for teams from my company is 7 minutes.. not bad I think... But some of my group mates' has accidentally chosen a bad pos, hence suffer for that 5 minutes+...
The 3rd activity is the team skiing.. We are supposed to skii on 3 long skii, go for a distance and then pick up all the colour balls except the yellow balls on the floor and travel back to the starting point and put the ball back to the net behind us. Any part of the body, ski, rope that touches the yellow ball on the floor will need to carry back the ski to the starting point. I like this activity because I really learnt something here. I think we have not clearly heard the instructions of the instructors, and with the boundary mindset, we turn this to be a competition, but in fact instructor wants to test whether we have clearly heard the instructions of the game to work as big group still in 3 small teams to pick up all the colour balls back... The yellow ball represents an obstacle at first because we need to avoid it at all cost, so that we will not need to be back to starting point and start from there again. However, we missed the point to turn this rule to be an opportunity at the 2nd half of the game when all teams have collected all balls on the floor and start to travel back. By then the quickest way to travel back is really just touching the yellow ball, then we don't need to ski back, but just hand carry the skii back... Turn obstacles to opportunities is the lesson.
Later on the map flipping is another game that want us to learn to be as 1, not to be separated. "How many departments do we have in the company?" The instructor asked, some answered "37 departments", but why not it is just "1 company" instead of "37 departments"? I am thinking the church at this point, I am wondering how many people may have said that "he is from zone Z, I am from zone V" or "he is from cg b and I am from cg f", or have asked something like "which zone are you from?", "how many cell group do you have right now?", "how many zones do you have right now?", and I am wondering what will be the answer, will it be 4 english services, 1 chinese service, 1 dialect service etc etc or 1 church? Is it hundreds of cell groups or 1 church? Is it many zones or just 1 church?
Even go broader, how many churches do we have right now in Singapore? Will I answered " many churches, or just 1 God's kingdom?"...
We have another game that we as team need to help each other climb over a high wall that is about 2.5 men's height high. I have a very stylish way of climbing it..
At the end of the workshop, the instructor let's watch back the video that they took on the day, and even sang an oldie (which I forgotten the name). What a good day of spending there, but it comes with a price of full physical tiredness lar... the end result? I take a day off from office the next day... haha
我想,这“山脚下男孩” 现在应该已经是 “山脚下男人” 或 甚至是 “山脚下老爸” 了吧 ?不过,真羡慕他们。他们共同创作了这些歌(他们的另一首代表作是 <<月亮圆>>),也共同分享了彼此那段追逐音乐梦想的岁月,或许很短暂,可是却是很宝贵的回忆,毕竟与志同道合的朋友一起去追逐大家共同的梦想,那是一种非常宝贵的经历,也不是每个人可以拥有的经历
不过,在我搜寻的过程中,看到这个部落格,相当特别,部落格的主人我并不认识,不过他的主页设计置顶的这句 “人说,蓝色是属于忧郁。 我不否认,也不完全苟同。 因为蓝蓝深海下,是生气勃勃的无穷生命。” 吸引了我的注意。很久没有特别留意别人的写作了,不过却欣赏特别的华文写作作风。如果你的华文程度不错,或者对华文感兴趣,不妨去浏览浏览这个部落格 :蓝色文字园林
宗翰,如果你恰巧路过我这,或者过去看看。我看着他所写的,就想起你来了。不是因为你的作风与他一样,而是因为你也是写作作风相当特别的家伙... ... (回头再看自己的文笔,已经是不行的了...)
哇,将近凌晨一点,我的睡眠大计又泡汤了... 暂时封笔...
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Year 2008 marks another year of heavy disasters, the tornado in Myanmar and Earthquake in China, happen within few weeks time frame.
Everytime reading the newspapers seeing reports and photos showing the coarpses of small little children found in the area, it struck my heart... One photo showing that the bodies of the kids stacked one another, another one showing that the hands of the kid who dies still holding a ball-point pen in her small little hand... I am thinking, the earthquake happens so suddenly, that those kids were still happily enjoying their lessons, writing their homeworks, when this earthquake come and everything changed...
Many school buildings collapsed, reports saying that many of these buildings can just saw the cement, but cannot find any supporting steel in the cement, the chinese newspapers called them "Toufu buildings"
Because of the constructors trying to save money, earn more money, resulting all these small little kids died!! Can their conscience feel peace?
May God bless China and Myanmar's people, especially those hurted or impacted by the disasters...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
突然觉得自己在孤身作战,感觉很复杂,那是一种寂寞, 那是一种孤单。突然让我领导这么多人,绝对是一个挑战,加上这个工作绝对是一个吃力不讨好的工作,如果要维护内部自己所领导的人,就需要做好准备随时和其他人磨擦,随时准备得罪其他人;不然,就可能是内部的人的利益会受到损坏。。。
hey, 朋友,知道你的功课很忙,虽然实际的地理距离使我无法更有效的帮到你些什么,不过,加油了,论文上我是不能帮你写的,不然对你是完全没有好处,我必须顾及你的堂堂正正去爬上这座比我现在站着的山更高的那座硕士山,哈哈。
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Blog Revived
There are a lot of things that I want to do, I am interested to do, I dream of doing, but it is exactly because there are too many things that I want to do, they cancel out each other's attractions and I move slowly in each...
Recently I experienced a lot of occasion whereby I gain a lot of momentum in progressing in certain things, but then need to switch mode to handle some other things at the same time, and this cause me frustrated. I am more and more believe myself as a person who are suited to be very focus, not very suited to be multi-tasking. Anyway, I am not an Intel processor or an AMD processor, multi-tasking is not my attribute...
There are too many topics to blog on, but exactly because too many things to write down, I don't know what to write... Hm... I think I will write it out in my subsequent post... Heehee~~
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Thank you the hearer to the voice of my heart
By the way, I want to share something with you purposefully here. But before that, I would like to thank God about this. I don't know how to describe exactly, but some days ago, if I am not wrong, it should be since last last sunday/monday, my heart is filled with peace. It is something very special, it really helps to calm down my emotions, and more than that, it helps me to stay happy and joyful especially when interacting with people. This peace continuously fills me up to tonight, up to this moment.
I know I believe this is the peace of God, and I realize that when the peace of God is in me, any other bad things will become not important, and past hurts and disappointments and angers are just nothing, I meant as if they are so tiny until totally insignificant. It was under such condition I've put down my disappointments on that incident and decided to lift up the friend to God's lead, not because I no longer treat him as friend, but I just turn from active to passive in terms of my initiative. If he needs help and approach me, I will still try to help.. But maybe the sacrificial level will drop, the amount of time will drop, I am not sure, but the thing I am sure about is I will do some adjustment myself towards this friend...
Anyway, it has been a very long while I never posted any entry here, tonight while waiting for something to be done, I decided to spend some time to blog some recent event..
Chinese New Year has entered into its 7 days, today is called the "human being day" in the traditional chinese culture. By the way, up to today, the excitement of the chinese new year has almost totally faded away and life has settling down back to normal...
Today very tired, especially my eyes.. it keeps on turning red at night and feel like closing eye-lids all the time. Maybe need to be spend some time really away from screens, or is it because I played too much Mahjong past 1 week??
Hope my eyes will refreshed to its best condition soon...
Friday, February 1, 2008
A few events happen for this week. But I am glad that my good buddy in the workplace now decided to stay after my company counter-offered him some terms that I don't know about the details. And he is now applying for master course in NTU, wish his application to be successful.
This past 1 week has been in a spin-around thought for my own efforts I place in the friendships and relationships I am/was building. I think this is the continuous effect from last week incident that I found myself being cheated, causing me to re-think the value of my trust placing on people. But more importantly, it causes me to think again questions like "is it worth to put in efforts for my friends at all? Will it go in vain again one day? Will my friends appreciate these efforts that I am putting in, or they will just treat that as nothing???"
Recently I thought I have a slight breakthrough in the cell group that I am more hanging around with the cell group, or rather, I start to feel interested to hang around more and fellowship more with the cell group members, then the news about the connect groups comes out, and I felt very sian liao for fellowshiping in the cell group... Just 1 arrangement already almost totally spoilt my interest in the cg fellowship... I think my unhappiness is of 2 fold... If my cell group leader ever observed slightly closely on me in the cell group, he would have known I am closer to whom in the cg and don't need to ask me. And I also have a strong feeling of my previous efforts that I put into fellowshipping with the few comparative closer friends that I currently have in the cell group is in vain or will be in vain again, right after last week incident, this feeling is much stronger and impacting me in a deeper level... I am sinking into the passive side, and this passiveness cause me feel like staying alone again from church and cell group... I think now even if my cell group leader will do any amendment I will still feel very sian to hanging around with the cg already...
Really a very sian week......
Friday, January 25, 2008
I was disappointed today, after finding myself being cheated purposefully, by someone whom I regard as friend, by someone whom I consistantly show my care on...
Emotion is a mixture now, feel like sad, with a bit pain, and mixed with anger... I felt very disappointed, I just felt everything I have done in this friendship is in vain... again!
Did I ever look down at this friend before ?? Have I restraint my friendship from this friend after this friend has disappeared all of a sudden and then popped up again suddenly?
I am naive? I am gullable? I am fun to play at on serious moment like this? No!! Because I trust your word on your answer to me! Because I care for your future that I still purposefully give you a call during midst of my work, just to know how you are and is everything still ok with you. I've asked you again whether this is just a joke during my call, you have chance to clarify that it is just a joke, but you didn't...
Trust is a very hard thing to build on, once we misuse it, we lose it, and we may never get it back ever again.. It is a sign of character, it is a label of integrity, it is a quality of our word...
I am speechless, I don't want to go for the extreme to say anything that is hurting
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Anyway, still busy with the personal projects at hand. Become more and more excited nowadays to see the project progressing as there will be fruits and outcome, something visible that will be come out soon. This project has been consuming about half a year as of this time, and finally the version 1.0 will be coming out soon.
May need to travel away from Singapore to the western side of the earth for a while after this project has been completed and reaches certain milestone. But I'm in need a good web designer now, to give the system a nice looking "clothes".
O-lvl results has been out today, it reminds me how I feel and become nervous on the day when my result is released. A bit miss this kind of torturing feeling, haha, I meant I a bit missing those study days only lar...
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Thanks to all the friends that I talked to or looked for recently that have helped me de-stress. Though this is not over yet, but slightly better now compared to last period of time. Appreciate for your time and availability for this period of time. Also those who care enough to show your care and concern to me.
I need to back to my project work already. Blog again next time.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Wah, but in office my boss today quite stern, the whole atmosphere very tense, until I don't dare to laugh loud loud (oh ya, I normally just don't care and laugh loud loud even at office place when talking jokes with colleagues). Haha...
Recently different contact group is organizing different eating session, this saturday got a buffet lunch with colleagues, saturday night then go for BBQ in NUS, then next week plan to have a dinner session with my buddy in office place before he back to KL with his wife for CNY, then next friday another colleague is asking for another BBQ session, with so many eating session going on, I afraid I cannot lose weight... Haha, think need to move more, walk more, exercise more and eat less on other days to offset those energy level.
When the thin Jimmy will be back???
Monday, January 21, 2008
Today I am thinking what is money? Obviously, money is the currency paper that we hold in hands, and coins that we hold in hands to exchange for materials or services that we like. So, obviously also I am not refering to this. I am just thinking what is the meaning for money...
My pastor taught me that money represents our life. We spent some of our time (varies depending on individual) to work in exchange of money to maintain our living expenses. So the money actually represents our life, because we are using our time and life to get it, and so where we spend it really represents what treasure in. But my blog today is not gonna discuss about this further either.
Actually I am just thinking, do I like money? What is the purpose for me to earn money? There is a reason why I ask myself these questions. I am like keep on trying various means and ways to earn more money, I think since 5 years ago. But my purpose is to want to keep myself from being tied down to unlimited working lifestyle. To some people, it is called retiring plan? But to me, I don't think there is a clear cut meaning for retirement.. What is retirement? Don't need to work is called retirement? Then stay at home at all time to do what? Won't it be so dull and boring life?
To me, I think retirement means an affordable lifestyle that is free from doing something that I don't really life. So if I like to work (workaholic??), then even I am working I can say that I have retired... But no lar, I am not workaholic.. I am quite lazy person, but I like to build up things, so the next thing I want to try is to building up business... The process is a very fun process, but the risk involved may not be fun at all, so be smart lar...
What am I trying to say today then? The big direction for my financial plan now is still to build up passive income sources, so that I can enter into retirement mode, i.e. a life mode that I am free to do things that I really enjoy...
Hm.... my friends who read this post, I am quite unique in my opinion to financial, neither am I very generous nor am I very money-minded, know me more then you know better on how I see this issue. Hee hee~~
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Saw clara kept on calling me, felt paiseh didn't pick up her phone. But I thank her for being initiated to try to give me a call when I was absence from the cg and service. This is a concern and care that christians have...
Went to watched the cg members playing badminton today in the afternoon, I myself have long time didn't play it liao, so didn't really dare to pick up the racket to play, who knows maybe cannot have a single hit?
But I was quite surprised to see so many people joining, this cell group is really very very very different in a positive way from those that I attended previously.
Finally have the chance to hear peng huat to sing, sing quite well. Previously only heard that he is one of the k-box kings in the cell group, today really is ears-openning. But it stir up a bit my interest to learn guitar again. At least when I were there hearing the guitar and singing, I felt relaxed from my stress life recently.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Under such condition, feel even more xian about daily working life, how to breakthrough?
Stress means I am like wanted to eat more, really have to be cautious about this, so that weight won't explode... remind myself...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
After a long period, finally manage to find my good buddy in the workplace to take a dinner together and talk later tonight... Haha.
But he really need blessing, as his workload is piled up so high, and everybody seems to want to have a stake from him in the workplace...
I am waiting for his invitation to his wedding in KL end of this year, but still in dilemma whether should go as if only I go myself, will be boring there; but if I don't go, it is his big day and it is really not good to miss it, since I call him my good buddy~~....
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Anyway, relax mindset transform into funny ideas. Today along my way to office, the mind keeps on coming out with funny ideas, haha.. think will apply them on the respective adequite areas...
Having a chat with one of my colleagues. We chat about backpack travelling. It ignites my thought for backpack travelling again, it has been something in my mind to want to try for backpack travelling since university days, think should seek for a chance to realize this thought!
Need to enter into financial control, as there will be some events and outing coming into place for the next few weeks... Yeah, dinner time has come...
Tiring now anyway...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Taiwan election for parliment has just over, I think the result is not surprising. Now everybody is looking forward to the result of the presidential election that will fall in March 22. But honestly speaking, I think Chen Sui Bian has not been doing a good job, at least in terms of impression. While he is so focus to talk about the foreign affair for Taiwan, he really has neglected the internal needs of his own people, it is a mess up of priority I think.
Back to the election of my beloved country - Malaysia. Recently there are a lot of things happen in the country, that will impact and introduce uncertainty to the election outcome. So I am quite curious and looking forward to the election day to see the outcome. Given BN already have string parliment for so long, I think it will be good if the opposition can get more seats this time, so that they can balance out the power of the BN and really monitor the performance of BN as government.
By the way, I have not registered myself for my election right yet, arg... must remember to do so in my next return to my hometown...
Monday, January 14, 2008
Reading Time...
Recently have purchased some books, written by my favourite Taiwanese author called Liu Yong. His popular series point out the cunning sides about human society, and the various interaction techniques in the society.
Tonight, read this book, of which co-written by Liu Yong and his son Liu Xuan, it is about communication. The very special things about this father and son author is that they like to use examples in our daily lifes, or those small stories from the newspaper / societies to bring out the points they are trying to highlight.

I read this book before, back at that point of times, it helps me a bit in changing my way of talking to people. But after all these years, I have forgotten most part of it, and I think it is time to read it again, to smoothen my outward way of communicating myself to people. Wish me successful!
If you read chinese book also, I highly recommended this book. Even if this book does not help you in your communication, it is a very interesting book to read on, for those small stories that are being put in the book. I like to read their small stories also actually.
Suddenly have a funny thought - Why not we set a communication day, whereby this day is for us to remember the importance of communication, dialogue and conversation. The slogan can be something like "Use communication to replace war in the world, use communication to replace protest in the country, use communication to replace punishment in the family"...
Ok, since I am the one who raised this, I shall declare today 14 Jan as the communication day. Haha, just nice, 1 month later will be valentine's day / friendship day!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
My Favourite Comic / Cartoon Series
Who will be the 工藤新一? He is 小粟旬, he also casted a role as a student in the japanese drama series GTO. He is the one being bullied by 3 female classmates.

Haven't watched, no time yet, but is so great to receive this gift.. yeah...
Life will be busy and tight for coming few weeks, it will definately a challenge to my physical strength.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Hey Julius, if you happen pass by viewing this post, my salute to your skill, you totally opening up my eyes!! You really rocks man!!!
P/S: For those who are interested to take a look, you may visit his post dated Friday, December 28, 2007 at his blog blog archieve at:
Friday, January 11, 2008
Shopping Spree
Few days ago went for shopping, to prepare clothes for the new year that is coming....
Only then realized and understood why girls like shopping so much, there is a very pleasurable feeling when spending money, especially when there is NO LIMIT on how much can be spent, i.e. buying without need to even glimpse on the price tag.. that is cool, though it is "a bit" dangerous of overspending...
But when I were shopping that day, I basically did not have a concrete budget, so it is like don't need to see the price tag that much to buy stuff, so got the chance to feel that pleasurable feeling for shopping... I think first for life time on clothing... Haha~~
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Need of Interaction
Just before we ended our conversation, I suddenly come up with this thought - the need of interaction -
Yes, wanting to interact with other ppl is a need for many people, anyway, human being is a community species, human need friends around to talk to, interact to...
I used to spend a lot of time with myself, someone call it self-isolation.. Some of my closer friends will know this very very well. To certain extend, this is true, I will isolate myself from friends from time to time, to stay alone in the quiet place, especially if the group consists of quite a number of new faces that I don't know, but I think the addiction of such isolation need to be broken in this year...
Need to be more socializable, befriend to people so people will be friends of mine... I think it'll be a good goal.. yeah~~~ celebrate it!!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Tiring, stressing...
But after being more settling from holiday mood, it is time to get back to fulfill those commitment that I have for various parties, projects~ my own goal~ tuitions~ work~ arg..
Time management is definately something I need to improve on, who can teach me???????
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
First blog after all these while...
My good buddy in the workplace told me that he will re-consider an important decision that he had made few weeks ago, initially he is resigning. But today, after talking to someone high high up there in the office org chart, he said he will re-consider this decision and keep on repeating to me that he is headache on it...
Honestly speaking, when he told me he is resigning, I am a bit sad for it, but I also know that I cannot influence him on his decision, because it is too important for him that I know I should not influence him at all on this important decision, so only can patiently wait for his answer...
But recently also felt bad, that my personal output is extremely low, and I keep on dilly dally in the office place. Everyday talk alot, drink tea alot, walk around alot, read email alot, but do only alittle. Cannot continue to stay in holiday mood liao... need to go full force again as soon as possible, and the appraisal also coming soon...
Work work work... only realize recently that working is like already taking 70% of my life time, how good it will be if I can build up passive income that will free me up from all-time active working, that will at least increase my free time by double, will work towards it.. my dream, my wish...