Saturday, May 17, 2008

Remember few years ago, during Christmas season, an earthquake-caused Tsunami sweeped across a few countries and resulting hundred-thousands of people lose their lifes and much more loses their home..

Year 2008 marks another year of heavy disasters, the tornado in Myanmar and Earthquake in China, happen within few weeks time frame.

Everytime reading the newspapers seeing reports and photos showing the coarpses of small little children found in the area, it struck my heart... One photo showing that the bodies of the kids stacked one another, another one showing that the hands of the kid who dies still holding a ball-point pen in her small little hand... I am thinking, the earthquake happens so suddenly, that those kids were still happily enjoying their lessons, writing their homeworks, when this earthquake come and everything changed...

Many school buildings collapsed, reports saying that many of these buildings can just saw the cement, but cannot find any supporting steel in the cement, the chinese newspapers called them "Toufu buildings"

Because of the constructors trying to save money, earn more money, resulting all these small little kids died!! Can their conscience feel peace?

May God bless China and Myanmar's people, especially those hurted or impacted by the disasters...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008








突然觉得自己在孤身作战,感觉很复杂,那是一种寂寞, 那是一种孤单。突然让我领导这么多人,绝对是一个挑战,加上这个工作绝对是一个吃力不讨好的工作,如果要维护内部自己所领导的人,就需要做好准备随时和其他人磨擦,随时准备得罪其他人;不然,就可能是内部的人的利益会受到损坏。。。


hey, 朋友,知道你的功课很忙,虽然实际的地理距离使我无法更有效的帮到你些什么,不过,加油了,论文上我是不能帮你写的,不然对你是完全没有好处,我必须顾及你的堂堂正正去爬上这座比我现在站着的山更高的那座硕士山,哈哈。

